Download the InFinityLauncher

The download of the InFinityLauncher will start in a few seconds. If nothing happens, click here to manually start the download.

To install the InFinityLauncher, follow the instructions below.


While the AppImage file is downloading, download AppImageLauncher.


Install AppImageLauncher on your computer.


When AppImageLauncher is installed, right-click on the AppImage file, select "Open with another application", and select AppImageLauncher from the list.


AppImageLauncher will display a message explaining that the application is not integrated into your system. Click on "Integrate and launch".


Wait a few seconds while AppImageLauncher performs some configuration tasks.


The InFinityLauncher starts automatically after AppImageLauncher completes the setup.

After step 4, if you receive a message saying that it is not possible to move the AppImage file, click "Yes".
Steps 4 to 6 will also need to be performed each time the InFinityLauncher is updated.