New project: Magic


Magic is the name of my new project: a 3D game, straight out of my imagination. You can see the logo of the game just above! It's quite difficult to give details about the game at the moment, since the development is progressing very slowly (even more than Portal Remastered), but I can already give you the basic plot of the game.


Synopsis of the game

For several years, Equinox Lab, a genetics company, is convinced that an extraterrestrial invasion is preparing. The company has established a contract with the French government, to use lifers for various tests, aimed to give some supernatural powers to humans, with one goal: give us a better way to protect ourselves in the event of an attack.

Their science complex, located in the mountains of a small town in north-eastern France called Xeta, houses the human subjects of these tests, including test subject No. 001, who manages to escape from the complex, taking with him the first prototype of supernatural power: the control of the Earth, one of the four elements. One of the syringes used for the injection of power will also be stolen by the test subject during his escape, but will be lost by him during his escape, before being found by Selenia West, a 19-year-old teenager, a few months later.

She retrieves the syringe, and once back home, tries to determine its contents. But impossible for her to know, since the syringe is totally banal. No brand, no logo. It seems to contains greenish water, but no mold. Intrigued, she decides to drink the contents of this syringe.

Test subject No. 001, who can now control and use his powers, bursts into the city with a rather unusual desire for revenge: he wishes to kill everyone in the city to punish them for what he has suffered. Selenia then discovers her powers, and tries to save the city, but also, in a certain way, the whole world.


First details

We end with the first details that I can communicate about the game. The latter is developed with the Unreal Engine 4 (Fortnite's game engine, among others). And to end on a high note...


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